Key words used include school, Education, classroom, tutoring, online tutoring Education has become diverse due to the involvement of different cultures in the classroom. Therefore, structured and customized learning is the need of the time. Due to the induction of online tutoring platforms accessing educational content has become an easy task. In this post, US ELITE TUTORING will go through ways to boost the productivity of the students in technology-surrounding classrooms.
Aware students of the task. It is the responsibility of tutors first to inform students about the topic in the upcoming class and what are the necessary gadgets. For example, the topic covered will be based on geometry so the students are expected to carry gadgets like scale, compass, and shapes (triangle, rectangle, etc.). Setting clear expectations in the classroom enables the students to learn with confidence. In the case of online tutoring, digital tools and software should be accessed.
Chunking. The classroom time should be divided into different parts and set different expectations for each section. This technique can be utilized during individual tasks by the students. For example, while covering a particular chapter in the classroom the time slot is 2 hours. The activity can be divided into reading, revising, discussion questions, and summarizing. This chunking process enables students to understand each concept with authority.
Minimize Distraction. This strategy is not only limited to the classroom instead it applies to individual sessions as well. Before initiating the study period, the students should identify their bigger distractions in the work e.g. mobile phones and noisy surrounding is often a distraction in educational activities. It is wise to switch off the mobile phone for the study period and close the doors of the study room to avoid any type of noise from outside. Besides that, the distraction can be of several types and each distraction can be countered in its way.
Revise the previous task. This is one of the most important strategies that is ignored on the majority of occasions in the classroom. Before starting a new topic, the prerequisite should be revised to have an understanding of what to expect in the upcoming task. In online tutoring, the first 5 to 10 minutes should be designated for this purpose and it will have two advantages; first, the students will revise and second, the connection issues will settle down.
Equal opportunities. Classrooms are diverse nowadays consisting of students from different cultures and mentalities. Education can be tough for some; therefore, while tutoring every student should be given equal opportunity. Whether a student has a question or wants a revision of a specific concept. In this way, all students will proceed with a collective goal of mastering the topic.
Resist when confused. Sometimes, the students hesitate to say no in front of their tutor. But, as a student, you should have the ability to say no when you don't understand the concepts. It is not wise to agree with the classroom opinion when you are confused yourself.
Never Relax. The technique is helpful for the tutors in the classroom. A tutor should not be relaxed while tutoring and he should always monitor students in different ways. If the students are working on individual tasks each should be visited and the progress should be monitored. This will encourage students to work with full focus as the tutor is dedicated to his duties.
Take regular Breaks. Tasks in the classroom can be easy, moderate, and hard; therefore, during hard-level activities taking regular breaks is necessary. Besides that, taking smaller breaks even in regular tasks can be helpful for the students.
End with a Plan. Every task should end with a proper plan and what to expect in the coming classroom periods. For example, if the reading task in an IELTS preparation classroom has ended so the studying should be guided that the upcoming task is writing and it will be covered within the designated period. This strategy encourages the student to take an interest in the upcoming tasks and go through them at least one time before the coming classroom.