Projectile motion is the widely studied topics and one of the most fascinating topics in physics. Object is projected in to air and moves under the influence of gravity with a trajectory path. Projectile motion is beneficial in fields such as engineering, sports science and space exploration etc.

What is projectile motion?
Projectile motion forms when an object is launched in air with initial veocity and then continue its motion under gravity influence assuming air resistance is negligible. A motion can be of two types: horizontal and vertical motion.
Horizontal motion: The motion attain by object with contant velocity and no external forces affecting on horizontal direction.
Vertical motion: With intial velocity, object experiences acceleration due to gravity and this affects vertical velocity over time.
Key Equations of Projectile Motion:
Horizontal Distance (Range):
Vertical Position:
Time of flight:
Maximum Height:
Range of the projectile:

Where vi= initial velocity, theta= angle of projection, g=acceleration due to gravity, t= time and d= vertical and horizontal positions.
Projectile motion is widely observed in daily life and numerous industries, including:
Sports: Players consider aiming projectile motion accurately in basket ball, football and golf.
Engineering: Ballistic missiles, rockets and water fountains work on principles of projectile motion.
Video game design: Game developers use physics engines to create realistic projectile trajectories.
Space Exploration: Satellites and space probes are launched using principles of projectile motion to achieve desired orbits.
Factors affecting Projectile Motion:
Factors include:
1. Initial velocity: With higher velocities, ranges are longer and heights are greater.
2. Angle of projection: The optimal angle for maximum range is 45 degrees.
3. Gravity: A stronger gravitational field reduces height and range of projectile.
4. Air resistance: Although it is often neglected, it plays crucial role in real world scenerios.
Conclusion: Projectile motion is a key concept in physics that has numerous real-world applications. By understanding the principles behind it, we can predict and analyze the motion of objects in various contexts, from sports and engineering to space travel. Whether you are a student, a scientist, or simply curious about physics, mastering the fundamentals of projectile motion will deepen your appreciation for the world around you.